Manutenção e Peças para Veículos

Serviços de qualidade em reparação elétrica e comércio de peças automotivas novas e usadas.

Avaliações de Clientes: 5 Estrelas


Sobre Nós - FC Carvalho Ar Condicionado

Na FC Carvalho, oferecemos serviços de manutenção e reparação elétrica de veículos, além de comércio de peças novas e usadas para garantir a qualidade e segurança do seu automóvel.

A garage with a sign reading 'Auto Electrical' above the entrance. Several vehicles, including a white van and a flatbed truck, are parked in front of the building. A person is seen working near the vehicles. A green street sweeper or council vehicle is on the street in the foreground.
A garage with a sign reading 'Auto Electrical' above the entrance. Several vehicles, including a white van and a flatbed truck, are parked in front of the building. A person is seen working near the vehicles. A green street sweeper or council vehicle is on the street in the foreground.
Serviço excepcional e confiável sempre!

Cliente Satisfeito


Serviços Automotivos

Oferecemos manutenção e reparação elétrica, além de peças novas e usadas para veículos automotores.

Manutenção Elétrica

Realizamos serviços de manutenção elétrica para garantir o funcionamento ideal do seu veículo automotor.

A spacious and well-lit automotive repair shop with several vehicles, including a truck on a lift and another with its hood open. The area is organized with tools and equipment scattered around workstations, with blue car lifts and various service bays visible.
A spacious and well-lit automotive repair shop with several vehicles, including a truck on a lift and another with its hood open. The area is organized with tools and equipment scattered around workstations, with blue car lifts and various service bays visible.
Peças Novas

Comércio de peças e acessórios novos, garantindo qualidade e durabilidade para seu automóvel.

Oferecemos peças usadas em bom estado, proporcionando economia e eficiência para seu veículo.

Peças Usadas
A car engine compartment shows electrical components, including a module with wiring. The wires are red and black, connected to a rectangular black device, and the metal surface underneath is slightly rusted and dirty.
A car engine compartment shows electrical components, including a module with wiring. The wires are red and black, connected to a rectangular black device, and the metal surface underneath is slightly rusted and dirty.
A dimly lit auto repair garage with two yellow cars, one on a lift and another below it. Various car parts, tools, and equipment are scattered around. A person is working at a desk on the right, while another person walks in the center. Shelves on the left are filled with tires and other items.
A dimly lit auto repair garage with two yellow cars, one on a lift and another below it. Various car parts, tools, and equipment are scattered around. A person is working at a desk on the right, while another person walks in the center. Shelves on the left are filled with tires and other items.

Entre em Contato Conosco

Estamos prontos para atender suas necessidades de manutenção e reparação elétrica de veículos. Entre em contato para mais informações sobre nossos serviços.





Estamos localizados para atender suas necessidades de manutenção e reparação elétrica de veículos automotores e comércio de peças e acessórios.


Rua Exemplo, 123


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